A dictionary definition would express humility as “a modest sense of one’s own importance.” From a religious context, humility can be defined as a God-centered virtue, which readily admits that all one’s talents and powers are gifts from God. Humility seeks to use one’s gifts not only for one’s own benefit, but also for good of others, and does everything for the glory of God.
A reading from the book of Sirach (Sirach 3:17-18) in the Old Testament has a beautiful description on the desirability of humility, “My son, conduct your affairs with humility, and you will be loved more than a giver of gifts. Humble yourself the more, the greater you are, and you will find favor with God.”
The humble person attracts others because everyone loves the humble person, and if we examine who our good friends are, we would believe that most of them will be humble people. With humble people we feel relaxed and at home and can share our life experiences on a deep, personal and joyful level. Humble people work well with others because they don’t see them as threats in any area of their lives. Humility is like the foundation stone upon which all other virtues can be built.
When we are full of pride, we become like the Devil because he is all pride. Satan has us exactly where he wants us, full of selfishness, greed, pleasure, non-forgiveness and with lots of despair, life is all about us. You see pride deafens our ability to hear God speak because we are so wrapped up in worldly things and self.
While with humility, we become dear friends of Jesus, who lived a humble life of giving and serving. Actually, humility is so powerful in the spiritual world that it drives pride into the ground. This means that whenever Jesus, Mary or Joseph comes, in their humility, to a person’s assistance, the devil and his demons flee in fear.
Many of us have been blinded by the world and what it offers. On the surface it looks wonderful, and besides, all our friends are there. Now the great moment of truth is staring us in the face, do we choose to continue in the old lifestyle with our friends and the world, or do we choose a new lifestyle, letting God lead us to become the persons He created us to be?
If we choose to walk a journey toward holiness, we will eventually reach an enlightenment that we are nothing and God is everything. When we achieve that level of understanding, then we are standing in the doorway of humility.
What is great in a relationship is a humble person can admit they’re wrong. We are called to let the Lord lead us wherever He wants us to be. Since He knows us completely, He also knows what we are capable of doing for Him at this moment in our life. Our motto should become: Trust and Follow.